Dr. Sarah Randel

File Jan 24, 1 31 54 AMDr. Randel has worked in the mental health field for 30 years, both inpatient and outpatient, doing individual, marital, family, and group psychotherapy. She works with children, teens and adults. Dr. Randel has extensive experience working with the diverse problems and diagnoses noted in this web site. She employs primarily a systems cognitive/behavioral approach in her treatment.

Dr. Randel, a graduate of Texas Woman’s University, earned her Doctoral Degree in Psychology (with a Marital/Family specialty) in 1992. She did both her internship and post doctoral years at Central Louisiana State Hospital. She is a member of the American Psychological Association, as well as the Texas Psychological Association. Dr. Randel is on the staff of several hospitals and on numerous insurance/HMO/PPO panels. Dr. Randel is licensed in two states: Texas and Louisiana. She also is a board certified Diplomate-Fellow in Child and Adolescent Psychology (FCICPP).

Dr. Randel has been married forever and has two sons (five cats, a dog and 3 ducks). A native Dallasite, she now lives in the MidCities area with her family.