Children/Teen Therapy

Students often have stress due to many factors. The childhood and early teen years are critically important developmentally for blue printing future patterns of self esteem and coping. Working out solutions to problems is of critical importance during these impressionable years. Conversely, allowing problems to stagnate during this formative time, can leave indelible, life long psychological scars. Dr. Randel offers the services below for Children and Teens:

  • ADHD (ADD) Interventions

  • Anger Control

  • Communication & Problem Solving

  • Play Therapy

  • Esteem Building

  • Psychological Testing

  • Cope with School Underachievement

  • Cope with Teen Rebellion Issues

  • Filial therapy (with child and parents)

  • Divorce Recovery

  • Deal with Family Conflict

  • Habit Control

  • Communication & Problem Solving